Monday, August 22, 2011

Late, but still grateful!

I am taking part in BlessingtheElements   Attitude of Gratitude blog entry each Saturday, but I'm late! (nothing new about that!)  This is my offering for this past week.

It is not difficult to share what I am grateful for this week.  My heart is thankful....for grandchildren, for the sweet things they say, the funny things they do, the love they offer without measure, the unconditional acceptance of their old family members. 

I'm grateful for the reasons they give me to smile!

What are you grateful for?  Put it in your blog, and then run over to   and let her know that you're grateful too!

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen, Grands as I call them bring such JOY!
    thanks for sharing your Gratitude..
    Peace & Love
