Monday, April 18, 2011

Going Green....

Because it's Spring and everything is in bloom, I'm going to write with green font today....'Going Green'. 

The sod isn't as 'crunchy' as it was when we walk on it, and it's putting on it's new coat of Spring green. The Creeping Phlox is almost finished displaying their bright pink blossoms, and the forsythia has passed.  The leaves are on every tree now, and the Wisteria hangs fragrant and heavy from the trunks and branches of everything it reaches. The Hostas have uncurled. The Verbena has begun to creep across the side garden and the roses are unfolding. I noticed yesterday that the Irises have buds and the Asian lilies are happily awaiting their turn to burst forth in color.

I love this time of year! I feel renewed energy, as if I, too, have been hibernating all winter and now am ready to open in the warm sun.  I have projects lined up from the top of a note pad to the bottom. How many will be done before the deep heat comes to cease all activity other than the release of perspiration from our pores? 

Spring is far too short a time, as is Fall.  My lists are far too long.  Some of my projects are more dreams to dream than to actually see accomplished.  But that's what green does to me.  It sends me into a whirl wind of thought and action, but this body isn't as young as my thought patterns are.
I've often wished there was a true 'body shop' where one could take themselves and have a stiff joint or weak muscle replaced by a new and working one. Of course, I'd be sure that it was one that was made of proper materials...'green' for the environment parts.

As I look out upon the red soil and umbrella of leafy trees that tickle the cloudless blue skies, I plan my day. After discovering yesterday that two Peace Roses have been munched on by some bug (probably those beautifully colored Japanese Beetles), I will spray them with some soap and water, or pick them off one by one, should I find any. 

Just as Spring brings one colorful flower's bloom in its own perfect time, I will practice the 'one step at a time, one day at a time, one project at a time' method until I see the list grow shorter.  As I do, I will revel in the green around me, and still wish for that body shop.