Halloween has always been a favorite of most kids, I think, but since we've been here in SC, it seems it's nearly as important to adults and children alike. There have been decorations in many yards for most of the month. TV has been blaring about parties and Trunk or Treat events for almost as long. And of course, this evening, there will be all manner and sizes of ghouls and ghosts at the door.
I don't remember Halloween being quite so celebrated back home as it seems to be here. Yes, there were parties in our classrooms, costumed youngsters parading around the school parking lot or gym, much to the delight of parents who rearranged lunch hours to attend. There were scout troups and classes which adopted a store window to decorate with paints and soap, and then walks around town to see the artistic ventures. Trick or treating took place after school, before dark, for the younger set, and a bit later for the older kids.
A few homes decorated their yards like graveyards or haunted houses, but for the most part, a few jack o lanterns invited kids to the door. In this neighborhood, there are orange lights lit, pumpkins with electric lit faces, skeletons appearing to rise from the ground, and inflatable goblins. Tonight we'll answer the knock to people in cute little princess dresses to sixteen year olds in black hoodies. One year when I opened the door, there was a woman who lives up the street, dressed in a black spotted cow costume...udder and all. She gave me a good laugh! And she'd done it just for me...no one else was visited that night by Moo!
I think I'll get some take out food for our dinner tonight. Invariably the cooking gets interrupted, and often the devouring of it, as well. It's ok....it's only once a year, and I love seeing the kids with all their excitement over their costumes and over-flowing treat bags! I guess I'd better get out my witch's hat. I'll put on my black sweater and skirt and the tall chapeau, and hand out the goodies!
The church we were members of focused on missions
during the month of October. The kids were encouraged
to choose a country, and learn as much about it as
they could, and then dress in a costume depicting that
place. Here, my children are representing Africa, Japan,
Spain, China and India...1979
However you choose to celebrate, have fun, Kids...of all ages.... and please, stay safe!