Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is It Gardening Time Yet?

The weather has been absolutely beautiful during this last week or so. The temperature has been in the 70's every day and one day, it was nearly 80.

Boy, what a change from a week ago Sunday when we had 4 inches of snow on the ground!

The daffodils are in bloom, the fruit trees are blossoming, the roses are beginning to uncurl their leaves. Much of the garden is awakening, and I can't wait until it's in all it's Spring attire!

I dare not trust that we're beyond the night-time freezing weather that we experience here, and so I do not set out new plants or seeds until mid-April. A few years back, we had an Easter freeze that ruined the peach crops and killed my weeping cherry tree. I itch to get my fingers into the dirt again, but I will wait just a little longer. Of course, I could always get out there to prepare the beds.

Because the family will be gathering, beginning today for a five-day visit, the gardens will wait for any attention at all until next week. Besides, the weather channel reports that on Friday we'll get a blast of cold air (44 deg), and then it will steadily climb again.

The see-sawing temperatures tease me. Like the sirens of the sea, they call me to the gardens. Just when I'm geared to begin the tasks at hand, the horrible weeding chore and the de-clumping of the hard clay, a wave of cold hits and all enthusiasm for the work outside departs from me. Then, another beautiful, bright, sunny, warm day arrives, and the cycle begins again.

Looking at the dry heads of the Autumn Joy sedum and the sleeping grasses in the gardens, I'm taunted. I want to clean up the areas and ready them for the new season. I long to 'redecorate' the flower beds that will greet me each day come Summer. But, I must endure a few more weeks of this indecisive weather before I attempt an effort in that direction.

Until then, I'll pour over my gardening magazines and drool on the photos of the gardens I dream will one day be mine. "To everything there is a season"...and this is the season of waiting.

1 comment:

  1. I have to chuckle at your cold blast of 44 degrees. Why, that's spring-like for us! We had snow off and on this week, mixed with beautiful sunny days and nights of 17-22. Michael put steer manure around all the blueberries yesterday. I've weeded my backdoor patch of garden, and the hellebore and primroses look so happy. The hostas and bleeding hearts are coming up, the violet has leaves, but no flowers yet. And the yard is filled with birds, and the robins wake me with their singing...even with snow on the ground.
