Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And The Story Continues...

Aine and I have been emailing all through each day and evening since we 'met' only a week ago across the wonders of the internet. Our ties to all things family are strong, and we relate on that topic so well. We understand each other, I guess.

As the words fly between us, similarities and preferences seep from our words, and we're discovering so many things. We like the same kinds of music. We'll eat nearly everything. We both write and have been in writing groups. We're both crafts persons and have a strong interest in photography. We're both married for the second time to men who, (dare I say it?) worship us.

Both of the men, too, seem very alike in personality and interests. They are each of Scotch-Irish descent, a bit reserved at first, but warm up and are very friendly. Each of them hates crowds and large groups. Both are avid readers of the same types of books, and watchers of the same tv programs. They are both outdoor guys...never wanting to be in a stuffy house. Both are sky watchers and weather predictors. Trees and plants, flora and fauna...nature boys! It all seems to be going so easily.

So easily, in fact, that we've adjusted our schedule so that we will visit East Hampton at the same time as the trip Aine and Bruce have scheduled. We will share the exploration of the cemetaries, digging up the old bones of our family (not literally, of course.) We'll follow the footsteps our Lopers left for us...walking the same paths they walked. We'll visit the sad-looking old Life Saving Station in Amagansett, and the sites where others stood (if we can figure out where!) I'll give Aine and Bruce a guided tour of the area, and point out the Loper homes which still stand, or at least, the property where they were. We'll try to meet with other Loper family members, some of which I know, some I don't, though we lived in the same town for decades. It's time I met them!

All Mike and I have done since this began is to talk about Aine and Bruce....and I'm told the same going on in an old house in Maine, only with our names as the subject of conversation! The brain matter is brimming with information, and the faces are grinning with anticipation....even the men's! We've decided to share a cottage, and although people may think it's crazy because we've never met, we may actually know more about each other than most of the people we've known all our lives!

This computer, once feared, once hated, has become my best friend, for it's introduced me to many new people and reconnected me to many old friends. What a wonderful invention!
Stay tuned for more of these stories! I believe that this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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